review this little nugget of truth often to keep it fresh. I have found that
when in a position of leadership within a company, there are lots of raw
materials to acquire and link up to my growth in leadership. But how about when
you are not in a defined position of leadership? Then what do you do? Well the
answer is obvious, but not necessarily easier. You have to look harder –
stretch your vision, discern more and really look for it. That’s where “desire”
becomes the fuel to continue my growth.
I have
been unemployed now for six months, and I am challenged weekly, if not daily,
on how I continue to grow as a leader. I have to look beyond my experiences and
current position to find the raw materials to continue my growth. Here are six
ways to find the traits comprising the raw materials of leadership when not in
a defined role of leadership:
- Remember the basics. Think of it as a routine checkup. While this seems obvious, I find it amazing how many leaders I have come in contact with who do not spend any time remembering the basics. Stephen Covey calls this “sharpening the saw”. Ever see a professional baseball player miss a ground ball as it rolls between his legs and on out to the field? The basics are to kneel down in front of the ball to insure he blocks it from going past him. The same simple mistakes can be made in leadership.
- Take time to reflect. Just as it is stated, this requires time to perform. It should be scheduled and prioritized. Reflection is a vital element of leadership. It helps you stay grounded on what is important, it provides clarity, and it allows you to consider other perspectives.
- Review your plans. These could be anything; your life plan, your operational plan, your growth plan, or in my case, my job search plan. As in reflection, reviewing your plans help you ensure the right priorities are on the right things. It shines light on things that require leadership skills to be acted upon.
- Maintain and grow your leadership network. This is more than commenting on Facebook or LinkedIn. This is about staying connected with other leaders that influence you and who help you grow as a leader. Doing so sustains and motivates your desire to grow as a leader.
- Work on your strengths. This is not about working within your strength zone; this is about growing your strengths like you would exercise at a gym. Like your body, your strengths need to be exercised and constantly worked on. Strengths can be worked on whether you are in a position of leadership or not. It is also a great way to stay motivated in your desire to grow as a leader.
- Get involved. How do you develop your leadership capabilities when not in a defined role of leadership [at work]? Find ways to lead. Get involved. Start at your place of worship, start with a community activity, or start with a cause you are passionate about. The mere act of getting involved requires leadership. Your level of involvement will help you find new raw materials to further develop as a leader.
six steps involve the three E’s of leadership development; Environment,
Equipping, and Exposure. Being attentive within your current environment,
getting equipped, and being exposed to leadership opportunities will develop
you as a leader. Link them up with desire and nothing can keep you from
becoming a leader, even if you are unemployed.
Rate yourself from A to F in your own leadership development. Where are you at?
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Thank you for taking the time to read this. I'd like to know what you think. Feel free to let me know in the comments section below.