Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why People Do Not Reach Their Potential

I attended a gathering this week of the Career Alliance Group in Allen, Texas, where I was the guest speaker. I had a great time networking and sharing experiences with other professionals across a wide cross section of industries.

After a short meet and greet time, I spoke on the topic of why people fail to reach and live out their potential. A topic like this can easily fill a day-long seminar, so I reduced it down to just four key elements based on my own experience and learning.

To sum it up, these are the elements I presented as to why people fail to reach their potential and live it out daily:
  1. Choices. People make choices that limit them. Whether intentionally, motivated by fear or lack of understanding, poor choices do more to limit one’s ability to reach their potential and live it daily than anything else.
  2. Time. Many who fail to reach their potential do not realize the amount of time that it requires.
  3. Price. People fail to pay the price their potential demands. Price takes the shape of many forms, the least of which is time, money, risk, or education.
  4. Problems. People fail to think creatively when problems arise. In many ways, problems are the flames that purify their potential, and reveal it for what it really is. Other times, problems are the roadblocks that can pose a serious obstacle from reaching their potential.

After my presentation, I was confirmed that my topic was not only on target, but timely too. It was a seed planted and with careful cultivation, will grow to be realized and lived out across the many careers represented at this event.

That is what applying influence and making an impact while serving others looks like.

Question: Are you living out your potential? If not, how can I help?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I’d like to know what you think. Feel free to let me know in the comments section below.

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